Saturday, October 22, 2022

My Dog Digging Tool

I have psoriatic arthritis sufficiently serious that I take weekly Humira shots to keep me up and in motion.

I have good insurance and pay $5 a month. What’s the US price without insurance? For me (4 shots a month), it would be about $13,000 a month or $156,000 a year.

In the UK, the NHS price for Humira is £3,550 per patient a year, or about $4,050 dollars a year.

Actual patients pay nothing for Humira in the UK

Does anyone think the drug company is *losing* money selling Humira to the NHS in the UK?

Not a chance.

Humira works well for me and my insurance covers it. Yay me!

Those without insurance may have to use a less effective drug called Methotrexate with more negative side effects. The US cost for Methotrexate is about $5 a week, or less than $300 a year.

So what’s the news?

Ban this medicine and people will die sooner, crippled and in pain, and at a higher cost to all of us.

Arthritis is real.

What’s my point?

Just this: “politics” is going to impact you whether you chose to stick your head in the sand or not.

Get involved or get played.

Above all, VOTE.

I am not telling you *who* to vote for, just strongly encouraging you to participate.

Not everyone has great insurance.

And am I *still* getting out despite arthritis?


I’m a bit slower and my gears whine a bit, but this old dog still hunts.

As for abortion, not only does Jesus say nothing about it, but the Bible actually offers Iron Age instruction on how to get it done… between all the mass murder and baby killing done by “God”.  

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