Friday, October 14, 2022

A Bird-Positive Product?

I saw this Sandhill Crane logo on big bag of rice at a Maryland H-Mart. A direct connection.  


  1. Sorry - but there is no discussion in the link of HOW Tsuru Mai rice actually "helps" sandhill cranes - aside from the fact that the cranes will feed in their stubble fields in winter. This looks more like false marketing than actual interest and active participation in crane conservation. Or did I miss something??


  2. The cranes eat grain AND the rice company does not shoot them, is about as positive as you get in the bird world, where commercial net fishermen shoot birds that raid nets, where goldfish farms shoot bird that prey on pond stock, and where APHIS once had a plan to kill millions of birds in order to protect sunflowers grown for bird seed (not making that up). And then we have the chicken folks killing hawks, and the pigeon folks killing hawks, and.... birds that consume anything man eats are generally shot. Here, apparently, they are not. A small positive, but a real one.


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