Wednesday, July 27, 2022

Coffee and Provocation

Grave Robbers
Grave-robbing badgers left a trail of human bones in a pensioner's garden.  Locally, we have groundhogs in the graveyards, but they cannot do much harm as most of the graves are lined or else the corpse is now disintegrated to dirt.

Accidental Winner
A rescue puppy "who ran away from home" was returned the same day with a dog show rosette after winning third place. The Beagle cross from Bolney, West Sussex, was picked up by a fellow on his way to a dog show, and the Good Samaritan entered him in the rescue dog class while waiting a call from the owners.

Garbage People
The National Rifle Association’s Wayne and Susan LaPierre turned their hunted elephants into stools and trash cans.

Ten Months Nonstop Flight
The Common Swift holds the record for longest uninterrupted flight, staying the air for 10 months straight.  Audubon details a few other remarkable avian record holders, including a note on how the development of the smart phone helped created the technology to determine the Common Swift stayed airborne for so long.

Globe Trotter
Audubon reports that "An Arctic Tern clocked a whopping 59,650 miles over the course of its yearly migration from its breeding area on an island off the coast of England to Antarctica, and then back again. The tern’s trip marks the longest migration ever recorded — the equivalent of flying around the circumference of the Earth twice, plus 10,000 miles."

Russian Losers In Fantasy Land
Russia says it’s losing the war because Ukraine has experimental mutant troops created in secret biolabs by the United States

Huge Boost in Major Cereal Crop
Chinese scientists have discovered a way to boost the yield of rice crops by up to 40 percent through tweaking the plant’s genes.

South Africa Knows What Apartheid Is
South Africa's Foreign Minister Naledi Pandor says Israel should be classified as an apartheid state and that the United Nations General Assembly should establish a committee to verify whether it satisfied its requirements.

It Ain't Over 
Average daily US Covid deaths : 253 a year ago, 437 today.

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