Monday, May 24, 2021

The Magical Thinking of the Trump Qult

It seems that evangelicals have fallen for Q-conspiracies and the Q-Klux-Klan spin of the Trump cult. See >>

No surprise.

Jim Jones was pushing Jesus before he was pushing poison-laced Flavoraid.

As for the Bible, it endorses slavery, as well as rape, murder, racism, and the subjugation of women.

Trump embraces magical thinking and “alternative facts”. You are told to believe in the absence of evidence and by faith alone.

How do you get Trump?

That’s how you get Trump; the same way we got Jim Jones.

False Gods?

They’re all false.

Poseidon is no better than Ra, Yahweh, or Hahgwehdiyu.

Zeus is no more believable than Allah, Kianda, Galactus, or Thor.

Jesus is no more credible than Zoroaster, Mohammad, Godzilla, or Mami Wata.

Go down Magic Road, and see where it leads.

But heads up: Nothing good starts with a lie.

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