Thursday, January 23, 2020

Wildlife and Noise Fencing Across America

You can be opposed to Trump’s racist and divisive rhetoric, and be opposed to secure fencing, but this is what we’ve erected across the country to combat traffic noise and wildlife in the road: 20-foot tall concrete walls sited on deep gravel trenches.

We can afford fencing, and it works.

Oppose fencing? Then you either support open borders OR arrest and deportation once illegal immigrants are here.

Do we need ENFORCED employer sanctions too?

Absolutely. But it’s not an either-or situation.

And let's be clear:  Democrats have supported secure fencing in the past.  Senators Diane Feinstein, Hillary Clinton, and Barack Obama all voted for over 700 more miles of the stuff -- far more than Trump has actually erected.

That said, the failure of Democratic candidates to support border fencing and tough employer sanctions (steep fines on employers who hire illegal immigrants), as well as better control of nonimmigrant overstays, is a massive political, social, and economic failure.  It needs to be fixed, and it can be fixed without resorting to Trump's moronic and racist rhetoric.

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