Thursday, January 23, 2020

Coffee and Provocation

Scotland To Ban the Worrying of Wild Haggis
It's been illegal to hunt them for years, but now strict leash laws are being imposed to prevent Haggis-worrying.

Nothing Like Love
The El Paso Zoo will name a cockroach after your ex, then feed it to a meerkat on Valentine's Day.

I'll Have the Vegetarian Special
Corrupt foreign meat processors take over as US drops FDA inspections.

Trump Lawyer is a Scamming Crook and Thief?
He allegedly stole scores of millions.

Giving Nukes to Our Enemies
Trump sold nuclear tech to Saudis in secret after Khashoggi killing.

Gas Bag Says What?
“Bone Spurs” Trump is now an expert on traumatic brain injury in warfare.

The Trump Visa Fraud Factory for Russians
Russians flock to Trump properties to give birth to U.S. citizens.

Poisoning for Profit
Trump scraps Obama’s controls that stopped pollution from being dumped in streams.

The Chinese Are Better Than US at This
China is going to ban plastic bags and other single-used plastic items.

US Total Fertility Rate Drops to 1.73 -- Lowest Ever
Not said -- this is still high by developed world standards, and the US population will still top 440 million due to past fertility and current immigration rates.

Warren's Plan for Student Debt
From NPR: “Elizabeth Warren has pledged to cancel up to $50,000 of debt for 95% of student loan borrowers if she's elected president — and she says she could cancel those debts all on her own. It turns out: She's probably right.”

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