Sunday, November 18, 2018

Dogs Lost In Translation?

It's nice to see Canada has lost its mind too, even if it's only one person in the arena of dogs and language:

Earlier this week, Montreal city councilor Benoit LaDouce proposed a bylaw that would require all dogs in public parks to be bi-lingual. According to Mr. LaDouce, "Dogs parks in our city are chaotic and communication is at the heart of the conflict." In his mind, K9/citizen relations would be more harmonious if dogs in public spaces understood commands in both English and French.... Mr. LaDouce says owners would only have to teach their pets 80-90 commands in another language.
What's amusing is that anyone thinks any dog in the park knows 80-90 commands in any language, or that the problem is language at all, rather than the complete lack of training of any kind.

What's even more amusing is that this dead-pan parody of  mandatory Quebec bilingualism went out over CBC Radio and huge numbers assumed it was true

It seems French and English are not the only things lost in translation; so too was the parody

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