As what about dog vaccines?
As I noted back in 2009,
Nothing has done more for dogs than the rise of vaccination.
It's hard for folks today to understand how devastating distemper was just 60 years ago when going to a dog show was often the precursor to losing entire kennels, with one sick animal serving as a disease vector to hundreds of other fine animals.
Thanks to Britain's fox hunters, and America's fur farm owners, the world now has a decent distemper vaccine, and other vaccines have continued apace -- parvo, adenovirus, and parainfluenze to name the four most important.
But if a little something is good, is a lot of something better?
Most dogs are over vaccinated after their first year and
After a booster shot at the age of one year, dogs and cats have lifetime immunity from parvo and distemper.
As for other vaccines -- Corona, Lepto, Lyme, Bordatella -- those vaccines should generally not be given at all due to their lack of efficacy, relative danger, or the rarity of the disease and the ease of post-infection treatment.
Only in the case of rabies -- because it is a legal requirement -- is a booster shot needed, and in that case it is only needed once every three years after the first year.
But, what about all those booster shots? "My vet has been sending me reminders every year, and I have been paying a small fortune..."
And you have been ripped off.
The information I am giving you here is NOT NEW; it is old.
Read the rest at The Billion Dollar Vaccine Scam.
Excellent explanation of the need for vaccinations. Thank you.
A classic.
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