Tuesday, November 29, 2016

Coffee and Provocation

Jurasic Chicken
Scientists in Chile have grown dinosaur legs on a chicken. In of last year, scientists successfully converted a chicken's beak into that of a snout similar to its dino-predecessors.

That Monkey is a Whore
When monkeys were taught the concept of money, it resulted in the first recorded incident of monkey prostitution.

100 Million Dead Trees in California
The drought has been long and awful.

When You Have More Money Than Brains
Bowser Beer is a ridiculously expensive six-pack of bottled beef broth.

This Crap is a Complete Waste of Money
The US Federal Trade Commission (FTC) now requires over the counter homeopathic remedies sold in the US to come with a warning that they are based on outdated theories ‘not accepted by most modern medical experts’ and that ‘there is no scientific evidence the product works’.

What Happened to the Seals?
The Seals GPS technology has helped scientists conclude that a 65 percent decline in Scotland's Harbor Seal population between 2001 and 2010 was due to a toxin produced by algae.

Frog Sex Ratios are Changed by Road Salt
Scientists have found that the proportion of females within tadpole populations was reduced by 10 percent when exposed to road salt, or sodium chloride, suggesting that the salt has a masculinizing effect.

Donald Trump Is Impeachable on Day One
Donald Trump will have to sell billions of dollars of real estate in the next month to avoid being impeached for bribery and payment from foreign powers. He has business interests with Jose E. B. Antonio, who is also Philippines dictator Rodrige Duterte's Special Envoy to the USA. Similar conflicts exist is some 20 known countries where the Trump organization has dealings, and then there is the long, undisclosed list of foreign creditors, potentially including sovereign wealth funds.

No, Santa-san Will Not Be Driving
Domino's Pizza in Hokkaido Japan is rolling out delivery by reindeer.

A Stinking Bad Idea
A Japanese skating rink froze 5,000 fish frozen in ice. It did not go over well with the public.

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