Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Oh, You're a Dog Trainer?

The Bull Asian elephant Ramprasad and his mahout, Su-Mir, drag a 2-ton log 1.8 miles out of the forest.  Watch what this elephant climbs over!  It's easy to forget that animal training is not new, and was not invented at PetSmart!

1 comment:

Rick said...

When I worked in the animal tent for Ringling Brothers 40 years ago, I was given the care of two elephants. Before each show, they were to be brushed down with a stiff bristled push broom, and I was told the commands for down & up. First, to get them on their knees, so that I could climb up on their back and start brushing from the top. Then once I was down on the ground, I would give the command for up, and finish them off. They especially liked it when I scratched their bellies. I can't remember what language it is that I was speaking, but they understood, on the very first day, what was expected of them. Working with those two is the only part of the circus that I miss.