Monday, July 29, 2013

HMart in Falls Church, Virginia






This is a grocery store
owned by Koreans which serves all.  Good produce at a great price.  The "H" in HMart stands for Han, an ethnic designation for Korean. Not much of a cheese section (Koreans tend to be more lactose-intolerant than most), different cuts of beef than we normally see (cut for Korean BBQ and stir fry), no sweet corn even though it is in season, but just about every other vegetable and fruit under the sun. Eggs are massive and very, very cheap.  This is the best place in the area for dried tomatoes and spices too.


Chas S. Clifton said...

I don't know about Koreans, but Japanese think that corn on the cob is strictly livestock food. This I know from exchange students' experiences at my university.

Some Europeans balk at eating corn too, even processed as taco chips.

Funder said...

Nothing is better than an Asian supermarket.

PBurns said...

Chas - I think you have it exactly right. When I lived in North Africa, there was no sweet corn anywhere. An American cultural and corn genetics phenomenon. I wonder how long sweet corn has even been around?