Tuesday, May 14, 2013

America the Insane

This is not from The Onion.  There is actually a company in the U.S. that sell rifles for 3-5 year olds, and part of their marketing strategy is an accompanying series of children's books that celebrate the shooting of the Three Bears, Bambi and other fairy tale characters.  And the predictable results are... predictable. >> 5-year-old Kentucky boy fatally shoots 2-year-old sister.
Notice how, in the Cricket Rifle ad, below, the mother is shown pointing the gun at her own son's head at 0.20.  Now that's good responsible marketing by real experts!



Viatecio said...

Hm, that one moment was a failure on everyone's part. Mom wasn't keeping track of where her gun was pointing, and son appeared to be playing the "Hey I need to be on camera too!" card.

I was started on a Rogue Chipmunk rifle, shooting little CBee .22 ammo. It was completely worth the experience, and from the beginning, safety was emphasized. Had I children and access to a Chipmunk, I'd be doing the same thing with them.

Unknown said...

I grew up around firearms my entire life and we raised 3 boys and a daughter who all shoot well and have been taught proper gun safety by not only me, but gun safety courses. Safety was always a priority in our family and as teens, before we ever left the house we had a lecture by my grandfather and I continued that tradition and added the hunting/gun safety course to it for my family. It is indeed sad to see families who do not respect these values although they claim they do, but when we see children shooting children, that can make even the most pro gun family rethink the way things are done in our country. We are not all so eager to be as mature with such a great responsibility and owning firearms so the argument is clear that there is MUST be laws in place to force gun safety in the home if guns are going to be present there.