Friday, November 18, 2011

Parkour for Black Panther

This is parkour for captive puma.  This is parkour for working terrier.


  1. I think this is a leopard, not a puma. Supported by the fact that pumas don't come in black, but leopards do, and the fact that there is a spotted leopard in the enclosure too.

  2. re: my earlier comment. My mistake... the other cat is a tiger. I finally watched the clip fullscreen.
    I still think the black one is a leopard.

  3. Yes! You are right. This is either a melanistic Jaguar (Panthera onca), or a melanistic Leopard (Panthera pardus). Probably a Black Leopard as you note (they are more common) but we have a lot of Black Jaguars in U.S. Zoo too (they all come from a small section of Brazil). The video says "Puma" but Black Puma are not known to exist (though I think they are theoretically possible). All the big black cats are collectively known as
    "Black Panther" and so I have relabeled this clip as that. Thanks!



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