Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Before There Were Terriers

The title of this painting is "Fucking Groundhog Must Die."  The painting is about "man versus nature" but without Ishmael, the whale, or Bill Murray and his caddy shack.  As they note at the heyokamagazine web site:

On a symbolic level, the man represents civilization and the groundhog unruly nature. The impulse to assert control, to dominate nature, is a defining characteristic of humanity. Our cities and highways are orderly grids superimposed upon an indifferent earth. From time to time the fury of nature erupts and we are obligated to rebuild what has been destroyed, and the uneasy truce between civilization and nature is re-established. The same thing occurs in the garden, where the groundhog subverts the genteel order which the gardener has created. The groundhog has no respect for private property!

Meanwhile, the conflict between civilization and nature exists within the cave man. (This is what Nietzche and Camille Paglia are talking about). The insufferable crimes of the villainous groundhog have reduced the man to a wild state. One can see grim determination etched on his visage. Is he motivated by hunger, or revenge?

No, I do not make this stuff up!

1 comment:

  1. "No doubt the groundhog is guilty, for the groundhog was born guilty. The groundhog is a relentless foe. He is the sworn enemy of man."

    Well, DUH!



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