Sunday, July 19, 2009

Snake in Backyard

My daughter (age 22) was reading
on the back flagstone deck when this snake (about 5 feet long I would guess) crawled over her foot. She took this picture with her cell phone, and she said the snake eventually slithered back into the stone wall behind it.

I think this is almost certainly a Black Rat Snake with a little more than average splotching on the front. It could also be a Black Racer, or an Eastern Kingsnake with very non-distinct markings, I suppose, but I think not.


  1. Anonymous11:55 AM

    Black rat snake, the markings give it a way.

    I saw one yesterday in a farm field, and I recently caught a hatchling, which look nothing like the adults.

  2. What aren't your lazy-ass terriers doing that a rat-eating snake would bother checking out your yard?

  3. I cannot explain it. I can only feel the burning of shame. My guess is that this fellow is after the chipmunks in the wall. The dogs are pretty squirrel-focused.



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