Sunday, July 19, 2009

Jurassic Park Terrierman

A July 2009 study reports the discovery of the world's oldest known dinosaur burrow in what is now Australia.

The picture, above, shows a dinosaur about the size of a big iguana, snuggling into a riverbank.

The picture, below, is what I imagine a Jurassic Park Terrierman might look like, fully suited up for slightly larger burrowing dinosaurs. This is, in fact, a picture of a street performer in Nigeria with his pet hyena. Nice kitty! Yes, the hyena is more closely related to cats than dogs.


  1. Shelly caught me looking at this hyena last night and said flatly, "You can't have one."

  2. What a great picture. Living in Africa will inform you that these guys( not necessarily the guy in the photo)also use Hyenas to rob people. All they do is corner the victim and then give them the option of handing over any valuables or taking their chances when the muzzle comes off.

    It can get rough down here sometimes.

    jonathan CT


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