Thursday, March 05, 2009

The Kennel Club Needs a New Press Office

Over at the Cold Wet Nose blog, Beverley Cuddy has an amazing story.

It seems that last year Harry the Tibetan Terrier needed help after his owner, Caroline Rich, was made homeless by domestic violence.

Finally able to find shelter for herself, thanks to the United Welsh Housing Association, Ms. Rich needed to find assistance for Harry, her dog. Would the Kennel Club help?

They would not!

Instead, they suggested she call Beverley Cuddy who, along with running Dogs Today magazine, also runs a very small charity called the Tailwaggers Club Trust.

Beverley helped, of course, and also wrote about Harry, both in the magazine and on the Cold Wet Nose blog.

Now, after denying press credentials to Ms. Cuddy, the Kennel Club has the temerity to turn around and use Harry and Caroline's story to promote Crufts in their "Friends for Life" campaign.

And this after not helping this wonderful pair in their hour of need! Now there's a crack Kennel Club press office!

Not only is this good fare for the newspapers, it's a pretty solid bet that it will see its way there, as Beverley was blogging the story while waiting for Sky News studios to send round a car for an interview on why she had been denied a press pass to Crufts.

Yes, that's right: Beverley being denied press credentials to Crufts is the Crufts story on Sky television today!

And why was Beverley denied press credentials? Because she has been too vocal in standing up for dogs, even when the interest of dogs happened to not coincide with the interests of The Kennel Club!

For its next public relations feat, the Kennel Club will now charge people to watch video clips of Crufts. Yes, it's true! More on that later ...


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