Sunday, November 09, 2008

Pedigree's Pro-Adoption Obama Ad With Terrier

Perfect. In every way.


Anonymous said...

I've read through your website and strongly agree with about half of what you say while vigorously disagreeing with the other half.

On this posting, though, I'm totally behind you. Adopting a dog is a swell way to go. As a kid, my first dog was a mutt from the pound, and she lived a long, happy life.

It's quite likely that Obama's will be a very bad presidency, one fraught with poor decisions and inept policy, but when it comes to getting his family a dog, I am guardedly optimistic that he'll make the right choice.

Enjoy reading your blog!

P.S. I wonder if there have been spikes in breed popularity based on past presidential dogs? You know, like the "Finding Nemo" effect where kids everywhere bought clownfish aquariums after seeing the movie...

an American in Copenhagen said...

I am disapointed that Obama mentioned 'some breeds are hypo-alergenic'. True, some breeds don't shed and some breeds don't trigger some people's allergies (not necesseraly the same breeds) but no breed is hypoalergenic. In fact, many non-shedding breeds end up in shelters or breed rescues because people with allergies thought they were 'hypoalergenic' but had to give them up when they learned tha hard way they weren't.

I can only hope that Obama puts together a top notch team of dog scouts and they'll be sure to test prospective dogs with Obama's girls to make sure their alergies aren't triggered and their hearts aren't broken.

Anonymous said...

Robert said...
"It's quite likely that Obama's will be a very bad presidency, one fraught with poor decisions and inept policy..."

So in other words, you think it will continue the Bush trend.

Let's all pray and hope that the promise of something new is borne out. And pretty much anything would be better than Bush.

Unknown said...

People go crazy about the president's dog, they do verdict on how the dog is tamed. There is nothing wrong to gwt hurted.

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Anonymous said...

I, too, was struck by the "hypoallergenic" comment, and cringed for the same reason. Having said that, I hope true love will prevail, even if allergies present themselves. I'm a horse trainer who is allergic to horses, hay, mold and just about everything else I either love or have to deal with. I give it all a "Whatever", and keep going.


PBurns said...

The Obama's daughter is not actually "allergic" to dogs; she has mild asthma. The less a dog sheds, the better. Of course, in DC it's not the dog dandruff that gets you; it's the pollen.