Thursday, January 03, 2008

Groundhog Hunting Circa 1888

From the The New York Times of August 18, 1888. A hat tip to Teddy Moritz for this one!

Be sure to read the full article here.


  1. Oh what a difference a century can make in media fare!

  2. Anonymous6:54 PM

    Fascinating. Especially since the area discussed is only a few minutes down the road.

    Not much has changed in the intervening century here except I don't think they're still holding dog and groundhog fights for sport. If the article wasn't from the New York Times, it could have run in one of our local papers last weekend.

    And the local groundhogs are now quite happy to den in shale, a fact that I can readily attest.


  3. I can attest that Groundhogs will den in shale too -- the ground I dig on is shot through with shale, and they have no problem. I will post a picture of some interesting looking stuff I found the other day -- the shale looked like fossilized wood due to the amount of iron in it.



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