Wednesday, March 05, 2025

Romancing Hawks

I took the Wee Wolves biking
yesterday. It was warm weather, and the birds were amorous. Three Red-shouldered hawks were cavorting in the forest next to the river, and i believe I saw two of tem mate. It was very quick, but they did not rush off afterwards, remaining next to each other high up on a branch. I could see them with my eyes, but when I tried to photograph them from a distance, the chaos of branches and the quick movement the lens makes at a distance flummoxed me, and I simply could not find them through the aperture. I did eventually get one in focus after the other flew off.

While all this was going on, a Barred Owl was whooping it up about 200 yards away, unseen in the forest, and Moxie was barking incessantly in her basket on the bike. Moxie does not want me leaving her with the bike, though she is a very good girl if I stay with the bike while taking wildlife pictures.


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