The world is a beautiful placeto be born intoif you don't mind happinessnot always beingso very much funif you don't mind a touch of hellnow and thenjust when everything is finebecause even in heaventhey don't singall the timeThe world is a beautiful placeto be born intoif you don't mind some people dyingall the timeor maybe only starvingsome of the timewhich isn't half badif it isn't youOh the world is a beautiful placeto be born intoif you don't much minda few dead mindsin the higher placesor a bomb or twonow and thenin your upturned facesor such other improprietiesas our Name Brand societyis prey towith its men of distinctionand its men of extinctionand its priestsand other patrolmenand its various segregationsand congressional investigationsand other constipationsthat our fool fleshis heir toYes the world is the best place of allfor a lot of such things asmaking the fun sceneand making the love sceneand making the sad sceneand singing low songs and having inspirationsand walking aroundlooking at everythingand smelling flowersand goosing statuesand even thinkingand kissing people andmaking babies and wearing pantsand waving hats anddancingand going swimming in riverson picnicsin the middle of the summerand just generally'living it up'Yesbut then right in the middle of itcomes the smilingmortician”
Poem by Lawrence Ferlinghetti, City Lights Pocket Poets Anthology
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