Friday, December 13, 2024

A Bit of Excitement

We had a Big Brown Bat in the house, flying around our living room, dining room, and kitchen. 

I opened up three doors to the outside, and I *think* he flew out the door to the outside deck.  He was a big fellow!

Bats are always a *serious* caution around here, due to rabies.  

This fellow appeared to be very healthy, but *any* bite from a bat is *mandatory* rabies protocol, which is a fortune if insurance doesn’t pick it up.  

See >> 

And will insurance pick it up?  Who knows?!

It seems we may have to shoot a few more insurance company executives to get a clear answer on that.

Big Brown Bats can over winter in homes, and I think this is the species that crawls up into the space between the outside brick and the shutters.  The painters — nerves of steel — said they found bats behind nearly every shutter.

Bats, of course, are a great boon in terms of insect control, so I’m happy they’re about.  I just need them on the other side of the walls.

1 comment: said...

Try putting up a few bat boxes, they do work and it looks like you have good tree coverage.