Tuesday, October 22, 2024

No Taxes, No Service

Churches, synagogues, mosques, and ashrams are unique in that while they are afforded Constitutional protection, tax exemptions for religions specifically violates the separation of church and state enshrined in the Establishment Clause of the First Amendment. 

Americans are — quite literally — subsidizing religion, and favoring religious activities over non-religious ones. The argument that the activities of churches are incidental to religion is complete nonsense, as most churches do little or no community service beyond religious indoctrination and collecting money.   

All churches, mosques, temples, ashrams, etc. should be treated the same as every other business. As a business, they can deduct their charitable expenses from their taxes, same as every other business.

Until then, no fire truck should ever go to a church, synagogue, mosque or ashram. 

No police car. 

No public water or sewer. 

The road in front should never be paved. 

No taxes, no service.

For the record, Jesus approved of taxation, saying “render unto Caesar that which is Caesar’s”. 

Taxes are at the core of Jesus’ mission to provide health care, education, and help for the poor.

A true Christian would champion church taxation —and church tax deductions for charitable works — as a duty to help support the community.  

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