Wednesday, September 11, 2024

Thank You For Not Breeding

▪️Wild animals represent only 2 percent of mammal biomass. 

▪️Livestock, excluding chickens and other poultry, represent 65 percent of land-based mammal biomass. Of this livestock there are an estimated 1.5 billion cattle, 1 billion sheep, and 1 billion pigs.

▪️Humans alone represent about 33 percent of all the biomass of land-based mammal. The next most common primate, crab-eating macaques with a population of about 2.5 million, is not even close in terms of numbers.

▪️White-tailed deer are the most common large wild mammal species, with a population of about 35 million.

▪️ Of the carnivora, domestic cats and domestic dogs are far and away the most populous, with populations of 600 million and 900 million, respectively.

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