Monday, August 19, 2024

Cassius Clay, American Bad Ass

Cassius Clay was an absolute badass.  Clay was a Major General, politician, planter, and abolitionist who served as United States ambassador to Russia from 1863 to 1869. 

In 1843, Clay was addressing his constituents in Kentucky, standing at an embankment. An assassin ran up from within the crowd and fired at him, hitting him in the chest. Clay beat the man with his silver-tipped cane, then wrestled him into submission. Holding him down with one hand, he took his Bowie knife, cutting off the gunman’s nose and ear. Then lifted the man off the ground, throwing him off the embankment. He did all that with a bullet lodged in his chest. 

Cassius Clay lived to 92 with that bullet still in him.

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