Sunday, June 02, 2024

Remedial Bear-proofing

I checked the bees, adding a honey super on the most robust hive, and then added another tie down so each hive is independently anchored.

I then installed a fairly powerful solar motion-detector light on the tree across from the hives, as well as two infra-red cameras.

Finally, I took 12 construction plates and flipped them over and mounted them on a board so the sharp tack edges will cut into the feet of any skunk, raccoon or bear that investigates the hives.

I am researching electric fences and other motion and sound deterrence options. I don’t want to over-do it, but I want it to be enough. We don’t have permanent bears, but insecure young males of about 120 to 160 pounds that are moving out from the nearby mountains. I suspect the lights and the tack bars might be enough, but an additional black powder primer trip wire would be a powerful third-level deterrent if I can set it up in a way that a deer will not trigger it.

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