Tuesday, May 28, 2024

Frederick Is aTop 50?

This is the Monocacy Civil War battlefield, near Frederick Maryland, and just down the road from the house. Every inch of Virginia and Maryland was soaked in blood, and I hunt where the dead have fallen. I do not wonder why the soil is red.

Frederick is the intersection of quite a lot: two rivers, mountains and coastal plain, forest and farm, history and future, four states, the Appalachian Trail and a 340-mile bike path. We’re just 50 miles from both Washington, DC and Baltimore.

Frederick made Money’s 2024 list of the 50 best places to live in the U.S. and is included in their sub-list of "new boomtowns".  I’m a bit skeptical of such lists, but as long as others are not, that’s probably good for real estate values.  

1 comment:

  1. Frederick County was great in the 80's for falconers. ItI was the weekend 'go to place' for rabbits, squirrels adn even pheasants. I hawked lots of crows with my falcons there. But, now it's become another Montgomary county that we all fled from. Full of developments, crowds traffic and things I did not want to live near. Even rural Thurmont where I lived became a hodge podge of house developments with facist HOAs that I absolutly hate. I remember the bumper sticker on cars: Far from the maddening crowd. And at that time 70percent of the Frederick county commuted to Montgomary county for work. For Montgomary county was way too expensive and crowded. I'm glad I left 30 years ago.


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