Tuesday, March 05, 2024

This Next Election Is an IQ Test

1 comment:

  1. But does "Women" include the new kind, the ones with a twig and berries that want to ensure that the old kind of women (you know, the ones with wombs) are kept in their place and denied everything they have fought for over the past century?

    Our reproductive rights, our bodies, our single-sex spaces, our voices, our votes? After all, they belong to the new kind of women and we should just step aside and let it all happen because those new women are better women than real women can ever hope to be. Which is a circular argument because those new women ARE "real women", which makes us...what, exactly? Oh, that's right, just a collection of natal parts that are conveniently used as a label to differentiate us from those newer, REAL women.

    Who are, in fact, narcissistic men and the likes of which are willing to use their very male-violence tendencies to get what they want. Or, in Trump's case, deny the very reality that is right in front of him that HE LOST and IF he wins, he WILL have to step down after 4 years. But like every other entitled male, he will find a way to change the rules and move the goalposts to ensure he remains king forever into the hereafter.

    I am disgusted with both parties. They are two heads of the same snake and fighting over who gets to eat the only tail.


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