my brain andheart divorceda decade agoover who wasto blame abouthow big of a messI have becomeeventually,they couldn't bein the same roomwith each othernow my head and heartshare custody of meI stay with my brainduring the weekand my heartgets me on weekendsthey never speak to one another- instead, they give methe same note to passto each other every weekand their notes theysend to one another alwayssays the same thing:"This is all your fault"on Sundaysmy heart complainsabout how myhead has let me downin the pastand on Wednesdaymy head lists allof the times myheart has screwedthings up for mein the futurethey blame eachother for thestate of my lifethere's been a lotof yelling - and cryingso,lately, I've beenspending a lot oftime with my gutwho serves as myunofficial therapistmost nights, I sneak out of thewindow in my ribcageand slide down my spineand collapse on mygut's plush leather chairthat's always open for me~ and I just sit sit sit situntil the sun comes uplast evening,my gut asked meif I was having a hardtime being caughtbetween my heartand my headI noddedI said I didn't knowif I could live witheither of them anymore"my heart is always sad aboutsomething that happened yesterdaywhile my head is always worriedabout something that may happen tomorrow,"I lamentedmy gut squeezed my hand"I just can't live withmy mistakes of the pastor my anxiety about the future,"I sighedmy gut smiled and said:"in that case,you shouldgo stay with yourlungs for a while,"I was confused- the look on my face gave it away"if you are exhausted aboutyour heart's obsession withthe fixed past and your mind's focuson the uncertain futureyour lungs are the perfect place for youthere is no yesterday in your lungsthere is no tomorrow there eitherthere is only nowthere is only inhalethere is only exhalethere is only this momentthere is only breathand in that breathyou can rest while yourheart and head worktheir relationship out."this morning,while my brainwas busy readingtea leavesand while myheart was staringat old photographsI packed a littlebag and walkedto the door ofmy lungsbefore I could even knockshe opened the doorwith a smile and asa gust of air embraced meshe said"what took you so long?"~ john roedel (
Information on working terriers, dogs, natural history, hunting, and the environment, with occasional political commentary as I see fit. This web log is associated with the web site.
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