Wednesday, November 09, 2022

The Dairy Industry Plays Itself

In the grocery store, I came across this rather dramatic bit of packaging. 

I switched to almond milk some time back to reduce calories, and have never looked back or wished for dairy milk again.

For the record, dairy milk is designed to make baby things as big as a cow very quickly, which may explain why so many people look like heifers.

A weight-conscience America has discovered that nut milk has fewer calories and is no more expensive, and does not spoil nearly as quickly. It’s a better deal that is better for you.

A lot of Americans have figured all this out, and so now we have oat milk, rice milk, soy milk, flax milk, macadamia nut milk, and cashew milk to go along with almond milk.

The result is that the dairy industry has seen dramatic declines in the use of cow milk. Their answer has been to fight back by saying nuts cannot be called milk since they do not lactate -- a truth they did not previously expose when it came to Peanut Butter (not milk), Milk of Magenesia (not milk), Butterball Turkeys (not milk), and Milk Bone dog biscuits (not milk).

What the dairy milk folks may not have anticipated is this package, which is doing some very clever jujitsu. When I read it, my mind instantly equated milk with shit. This package loudly says: “Not shit”. That’s what every company wants people to think about their product, right?? And clearly, this “not milk” stuff wants us to know they are NOT selling shit. Congratulations dairy industry; you played yourself. Not Milk is not selling shit. Milk is shit. Now you know. And so too do the enormous number of people who are lactose intolerant.

My advice: Invest in plant milk. They’re winning this war.

1 comment:

  1. I live in California, I am a little bit sour about almond milk. People got Greedy, planted way too many trees in places too dry for them to thrive in, are draining aquifers, trying to keep them alive, in a state with a tradition of long term drought. Not the trees fault


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