Sunday, September 11, 2022

Never Forget 9-11?

Never forget the 400 years of systemic racism and sexism in the US? 

Not forgotten.  

Never forget that Iraq and Afghanistan had nothing to do with 9-11? 

Not forgotten

Never forget that Barack Obama was the fellow who gathered the intelligence, made the tough decision, and got Osama killed? Not forgotten.

I could go on forever not forgetting. 

Never forget the 1,000,000 people dead from the Trump virus? 

Not forgotten

Never forget the hundred treaties the US Government made and then unilaterally broke in order to steal land from the native people?

Not forgotten.

Never forget the children ripped from their parents and thrown into cages so Trump could terrorize immigrants already fleeing for their lives? 

Not forgotten.

Never forget America’s wounded warriors and dead soldiers that have been openly mocked by our draft-dodging, tax-cheating, pussy-grabbing adulterer of a former President? 

Not forgotten.

Never forget the Japanese Americans whose property was stolen and who were thrown into concentration camps in the US?

Not forgotten.

Never forget that Trump has been credibly accused of rape or sexual assault by 30 women, has a long association with multiple pedophiles, and raw-dogged a porn star? 

Not forgotten. 

Never forget that Trump has defended Saudi murderers of American citizens? 

Not forgotten.

I could go on forever not forgetting.

1 comment:

  1. Wish it were possible to add "nunca mais" to all of these


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