Sunday, July 03, 2022

Dogs and Fourth of July Fireworks

A bunch of behavior experts were asked what to do about dogs that panic when they hear fireworks. They had nothing. So let Terrierman help. 

Forth of July fireworks typically last for about an hour or two starting at dusk. Load your dogs into car crates, and drive for about thirty minutes to some remote park.  Walk your dogs on leash for about a half hour.  Load them back up into the car.  Drive to a nice little restaurant far from a residential neighborhood and stop and have dinner. Order an extra coffee. Scrape your dinner leftovers into a bowl for the dogs, and share that with them when you come back to the vehicle. Drive home. Dinner is optional and can be replaced by a longer walk down a country road counting fireflies. 

Another alternative is to crate the dogs in the laundry room while doing double loads (washer and drier!) while playing Jethro Tull loudly on the stereo. Yes, it must be Jethro Tull.  No, the behaviorists do not know why.

1 comment:

  1. Alternatively, keep gun dogs from working lines. A good gun dog loves fireworks.


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