Saturday, May 07, 2022

On Demand, Without Apology

I’m for legalizing abortion even when the woman will not die without it.

I’m for legalizing abortion even even the zygote is not monstrously deformed or due to die at birth or soon after birth.

I am for women. Their uterus did not come with a license from the state.

An egg is not a chicken.

The Vatican has abortion on demand, and contraception is paid for by the state, same as in the rest of Italy. That’s something they don’t tell on the tour, or in church.

And did you know the Bible gives abortion instructions?  See Numbers 5:11-31 where “bitter water” is a reference to womwood, an ancient herbal abortifacient which is specifically mentioned as the key ingredient in “bitter water” in Revelation 8:10-11.

1 comment:

  1. I read a very interesting history on how and why right wing evangelical christians seized on abortion as a party-funding, election winning tactic. Republicans haven't always been a pro forced birth party. Neither were the majority of christians in the US. Now they'll be like the dog that caught the tire...Now what? More red meat will be needed. They are coming for contraception (Griswold vs CT) legal gay marriage (Obergfell), Lawrence, and possibly even Loving vs Virginia. Those are all Supreme Court decision predicated on privacy rights, once Roe v Wade falls, they're next. Although they claim they'll stop at miscegenation, I don't believe a thing they say.


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