Sunday, October 18, 2020

Willow is Added to the Pack

Willow was acquired from a Virginia rescue last week.

She’s only 4 months old, and is mostly Italian Greyhound, but I suspect she’s a Boston Terrier cross. Her mother came into rescue pregnant, and Willow has been fostered for 4 months. I am told the litter was very uneven (why I suspect an IG x BT cross), and that Willow was the smallest and most clearly of an Italian Greyhound morphology.

She’s as green as any puppy I’ve seen at this age. She thinks the collar is an imposition, and when I hooked her up to a leash, she channeled her internal bronking buck, which is very funny in a 12-inch dog with 8 inch legs that weighs all of 7 pounds.

I hooked the leash to the chair leg, put a nice warm bed on the chair, and let natural consequences sort it out as I stretched out on the couch with a couple of biscuits and a cup of darkness.

Three minutes later, and Willow had stopped bucking, discovered the bed, and was sound asleep.

Three days in and she has made peace with the leash and has a full wardrobe of little coats and shirts to keep her warm, as well as two new crates to sleep in.

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