Tuesday, October 13, 2020

The Beast With Two Backs

Some days you think things are going to be simple, then fate laughs and starts throwing bowling balls.

The topper last night was the two wee wolves were at my feet, each quietly chewing on a bit of rawhide, when I heard one softly growl at the other.

“Hey!” I said without looking up.

A minute later there was a squeal.

“Hey!” I looked over and my neutered male was tied to the wee female who, I have to confess, I did not know was in heat.

They both looked a bit guilty and confused as dogs and people will in that kind of situation.
They remained at my feet as I typed, slowly dragging each other around my ankles.

I had my wife turn off the lights to improve the mood, and I put some Barry White on the small bluetooth speaker, while otherwise ignoring them.

‘Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.’

“We will never speak of this again,” I said as I crated them for bed.

And we won’t.

We’re cool like that. 

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