Thursday, October 15, 2020

One Foot on the Boat, One on the Dock

Specialized things are specialized for a reason.

This is true of dogs, as I have noted in the past. A terrier small enough to go to ground cannot also be large enough to be a really excellent all-day retriever. You may get a small dog that can retrieve a few birds, but it will not be as good a dog as a dedicated breed on either end of the spectrum.

More likely, by planting one foot on the dock and one foot on the boat, you are going to end up in the water. Sometimes it's best to make a decision and not get somewhere in the middle.

And so it is with guns and fishing rods. One is not like the other, and if you need both out in the woods, might I suggest a reasonably-priced four-piece Eagle Claw pack rod paired with a Smith and Wesson .22 Kit Gun or its analog made by Taurus?

But no, an American genius has decided what the world really needs is a 1-pound pack-rifle and fishing pole combination.

As a fishing pole, it appears to be a wonderful tire iron, and as a rifle it appears to be a wonderful tire iron that loads one shot at a time and might blow up in your face.

To repeat: Specialized things are specialized for a reason. 

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