Wednesday, September 30, 2020

Lucy and Austin: A Love Story

Lucy, my son’s beloved Pit Bull, died Saturday night at age 11.

She was operated on for bladder cancer three months ago, and was then given three months to live.

She died quite quickly, within 10 feet of my son, who took her everywhere with him. My wife and I saw him on the last day of his life, as did Grandma.

This was a dog loved every second of his life by a young man whose entire life revolved around her.

It was a Never Ending Love Story.

Lucy had a wonderful life and a good death on a warm sunny day after making every possible family connection.

What finally got her appears to be a stroke — perhaps a blood clot or internal rupture, but it was quite quick. To say she will be missed does not describe the loss.

Run on Lucy, your work here is done. Thanks for taking such wonderful care of our boy.  


  1. She truly fell into the lap of luxury when it comes to what a dog needs in life. What a lucky girl to have spent it with your son and to have known your family.

  2. Lucy, best friend and amazing companion, should have lived forever. Her passing is surely a great loss. I offer my condolences and thank Austin and family for sharing photos and posts about her and her wonderful life with you.

  3. Extending deepest sympathy to your son, especially, and to your entire family at this heartbreaking loss.

  4. My Lucille is eleven this year. I started reading your blog when I began raising her and was casting about for good information on her care. Your son has my deepest sympathy on the loss of his great friend. I'm shedding some tears for the both of them right now. Thank you for sharing these pictures of the two of them together.


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