Tuesday, March 03, 2020

What Was the Problem Again?

Competing dog trainers LOVE to hose each other.

It's pretty sickening stuff and it has consequences, not the least of which is "guild-building legislation" designed to reduce competition and drive up consumer costs without necessarily improving quality.

An example: A New Jersey legislator is ONCE AGAIN putting in legislation designed to subsidize a private organization which will certify dog trainers.

Genuine question: What is the PROBLEM this legislation is supposed to be fixing?

It's never said.

The core DOG PROBLEM is not poor trainers; it’s bad owners who rush into acquiring a dog before they know what dog ownership entails.

This legislation will not alleviate that problem, but WILL reduce the number of dog trainers.

That’s the exact OPPOSITE of what needs to be done.

Here’s the legislation in question https://www.njleg.state.nj.us/2020/Bills/S2000/1749_I1.HTM, and it is stupid on a stick.

You want to ACTUALLY help dogs and perhaps make a little money for dog trainers and dog clubs too?

Simple: make taking a short “canine responsibility course” a requirement for a required dog license.

By the way: this kind of stuff is A DIRECT PRODUCT OF DOG TRAINERS bashing each other on the internet by claiming some other competing dog trainer is doing it wrong.

Please STOP IT and spend more time getting more customers through good work and referral.

If business is not great, try finding another job.

One thing we don't need more of is bored dog trainers bashing the other dog trainer one town over, or bashing the dog trainer coming into "your area" to put on a training seminar of some kind.

Grow the fuck up

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