Saturday, February 01, 2020

Possums Are Not Saints

Possums do not eat enough ticks to make any difference to tick populations at all, while hunting and trapping possums does little or nothing to control possum populations, due to their incredibly fecundity.

1 comment:

  1. norwegian rats are far more dangerous, far more plentiful, and do far more damage than any possum could do. norwegian rats carry far more diseases. why not hunt and trap them? cooked whole, they are the perfect dog and cat food.

    why in the world are people so focused on possums?! they actually do a whole lot of good and very little bad, when compared with many other animals. it's not just ticks, believe me. for one, we rely on them to eat the slugs, jerusalem crickets, and other insect pests...we have a working animal, fruit, and vegetable farm, where we actually assess and rely on these and other animals; we measure, and observe (both in life and with game cameras) the effects of these and many other types of mammals/birds/insects/etc on our farm. we've found the possum to be only beneficial here--with the exception of having to put electric fencing (which we use for other reasons too) around the fruit trees just when ripe. that's it.

    everything has its place in nature. find out how to work WITH nature instead of against it, for a healthier, more cohesive and harmonious planet, and life.
    check out Permaculture and other Regenerative agriculture methods. they are proven and science-based.


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