Thursday, December 12, 2019

Water the Good, and Be Part of a Miracle

My friend Cson Johnson does Animal Control in Macon, Georgia. A truly wonderful person.

This dog showed up on a porch in a neighboring county that has no animal control at all. They called Macon Animal Control. Could they help?

Cson has got the dog picked up by a rescue (did I mention she’s wonderful?) and now it’s getting veterinary care.

That, right there, is a miracle.

Do you want to be part of the next part of this miracle? Send a few bucks to the rescue; if not for this dog, then for other dogs to come.

Yeah, I know there are a lot of dogs in need, and a lot of causes, many closer to home.

But I’m asking this one time, and I don’t do that often.

I think this dog deserves better. I think he will blossom, and I want YOU to be part of that good.

Donate a few bucks now and you can tell the story later. By telling that story, perhaps you can encourage someone else to water the good later on.

That’s how it works.

Will your contribution change the world for pit bulls?

Nope. Not at all.

But it might help this dog and other dogs to come.

Donate here >>

Want to help a bit more?  Pass on this post and maybe ask them to water the good folks at Macon-Bibb Animal WelfareThese are good people doing good.


  1. A week or so ago you mentioned that the South can be proud of its dogs. Sadly, for a large part of the South, abused pit bulls are more representative than the iconic hounds. Sad as the abused dogs are, I'd rather donate to spey/neuter than to rescue. Prevention is preferable to cure. But the bigger problem, people who try to supplement a minimum wage income by selling 10 pups out of a dog or bitch who has won a few fights, sigh... as difficult as reducing CO2 emissions...sigh

  2. Anonymous9:02 PM

    It is good to know there are people in animal control who care. Where I live, it is a different story. I really do not understand how anyone could do that to their pet. Seeing photos like that make me hate people. But it makes me even more thankful for rescuers. I hope the dog is adopted by someone who understands pit bulls.


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