Tuesday, December 03, 2019

The NFL is Morally Broken

At the NFL, killing dogs for fun in fine, but if you quietly take a knee to protest police violence and endemic racism, you can never work again.

This is who the NFL is.

It’s moral sickness, and it’s diseased to the bone.


  1. Agreed, Vick got away with murder of dogs which is reprehensible to anyone who enjoys animals, especially dogs.. What I don't agree with is a guy like Kapernick who disgraces the thousands of fine officers that do their best in the most trying of circumstances. He disgraces all of them, not the few who are dinosaurs waiting to die off.. He disgraces all who serve including all branches of the service.. I guess the socks depicting pigs also served some legitimate purpose ? Wait you say, it's only cops you say that are racist ? Ask most anyone who has served in the armed forces and they may enlighten you, but I guess Kapernick picks and chooses the easiest of targets. So perhaps you should walk in a officers shoes for a bit to get a taste of what they face on a daily basis. And not perhaps paint them all with a broad brush of loathing and disdain. BTW, I served 35 years of my life, how about the rest of you ??

  2. You are correct. They have taken over for the Circuses of Rome except they compete for money without their personal blood. Vick used dogs for his own agression and blood lust. And the NFL has rewarded him in every way they can.


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