Thursday, December 12, 2019

The Bullshit We've Swallowed

This is Hong Kong, Not America.
We’ve lost our collective minds.

Apparently the country has always been bullshit.

I thought it was 3 percent racist. Nope, it’s 35 percent racist.

I thought we owned guns to stay free and in case the Russians came over the hill. Nope. The Russians are deciding our elections, and now they own the NRA. Lindsey Graham is a subsidiary of the KGB.

I thought we were a nation of laws, and not men. Nope. The Attorney General says the laws don’t apply to rich white men and the black and brown folks better stop getting uppity, or else.

Under Trump, we have millions of people saluting Nazis, celebrating slavery, and locking kidnapped children in cages.

The “fiscal conservative” party is borrowing a trillion dollars a year to fund tax cuts for the rich, even as Facebook, Apple, Microsoft, and Pfizer pay no taxes.

The folks who once opposed socialism and championed the free market have now embraced a disastrous trade war in which taxpayers are bailing out corporate farmers to the tune of $28 billion.

Our president has ripped NATO at the seams and insulted every ally while making mewing sounds to psychotic dictators in Russia, North Korea, the Philippines, and Turkey.

Christian fundamentalists swear their allegiance to a self-admitted pussy-grabber married to his third wife, an uneducated foreign-born porno model who says she cares about no one else.

And through it all we carry on.

No one is setting mattresses on fire in the streets.

The White House and Congress have not been surrounded by Molotov-throwing protestors.

We watch as the nation is degraded, trashed, and brutalized.

We watch the Constitution get shredded, and our core values are burned at the stake.

Apparently the country has always been bullshit. There is nothing here to save.

This is Hong Kong, Not America.


  1. it's not just bailing out farmers, it's socialism for the wealthy: the trump/GOP tax cute were for the wealthy. the wealthy will never pay their fair share of taxes. we, the paying taxpayers are shouldering the taz burden for the USA, while the wealthy get a free ride. corporate welfare or corporate socialism, call it what you will...

  2. So glad I left. Finding New Zealand a big improvement.

  3. Long time reader, first time commenter (lol). Basically? THANK YOU. It really helps to know there is someone out there with an actual functioning brain. And, of course, dogs. Keep up your wonderful stuff.


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