Sunday, December 15, 2019

Lesson Learned?

Mother Nature often teaches through consequences.

This fellow will not stick his head into a hollow tree quite as fast ever again.

One lesson, and his behavior is modified forever.

The same holds true for bitter fruit and electric fences — the lessons learned are often quite rapid, and tend to not require too much repetition.

Of course, what is aversive to us may not be as aversive to someone else.

Dogs delight in rolling in deer shit and dead fish, and will eat their own feces and lap up their own vomit.

But just try getting a dog to eat a lemon or remain still while you spray them with air freshener.

The cat that runs from a squirt bottle is a very different animal than the bird that plays in the sprinkler.

1 comment:

  1. Oh, I thought he just had lots of those trendy transdermal implants.


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