Monday, December 09, 2019

Bet Your Life

From Wikipedia comes this bit about Ms. Jeanne Calment:

In 1965, aged 90 and with no heirs left, Calment signed a life estate contract on her apartment with notary public André-François Raffray, selling the property in exchange for a right of occupancy and a monthly revenue of 2,500 francs (€380) until her death. Raffray died in 1995, by which time Calment had received more than double the apartment's value from him, and his family had to continue making payments. Calment commented on the situation by saying, "in life, one sometimes makes bad deals." In 1985, she moved into a nursing home, having lived on her own until age 110.

Ms. Calment lived until aged 122 years, and 164 days, dying in 1997.

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