Wednesday, November 14, 2018

What Going On Here?

I have no idea what is doing on here, but apparently this is something this dog trainer "trains" for?

A dog trainer with a best-selling book and a thriving dog training business posted the video to Facebook with a "no comment" introduction:

J___  D__ has had some rather unpleasant things to say about me as a dog trainer. In this video clip you'll see her repeatedly encourage her dog to mount and hump her leg. I don't really need to say anything about her methods. She does a fine job of it herself.

I don't think I can argue with him. What is going on here, and why?  In more than 50 years in dogs I have never had to train a dog to hump me (or even not to hump me).  Am I using the wrong cologne (I use none)? Do I need a better haircut (I am bald)?

Names omitted because this is not a personal attack; I just have no idea what is going on here.  This is obviously being encouraged


  1. JD claims to be using the humping behavior as a reward. Not everyone agrees that it's an appropriate choice of reward.

  2. For being an unlisted video (I figured it was removed from public listing for some kind of copyright or owner's claim by JD, so I simply kept it available but "off-the-grid"), I'm shocked it's made the rounds about the internet the way it has. By far by most "unliked" video I've ever uploaded after I took voting privileges off the Gentle Leader one from several years back.

    I've never let my intact male hump ANYTHING, much less a person, and I can't even envision using humping as a reward for anything. As you can see on my other videos, I can get some great obedience out of him just fine without invoking the behavior. I don't know what she considers "smashing" as a descriptor of obedience performance, but sit/down/spin for cookie are apparently her "standards," so take that as you will.



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