Saturday, October 20, 2018

What America Are We Making Again?

This amazing front page Los Angeles Examiner headline, from November 1938, was part of a museum exhibit.

As I left the Holocaust Museum in D.C. yesterday, a young man wearing a MAGA hat was walking around inside the lobby.

On the radio in my car was a story about thousands of Guatemalan and Salvadoran migrants stuck on a bridge along Mexico's southern border, some of them throwing themselves off the side into the river below.

I drove past the National Museum of African American History and Culture, visible from the front door of the Holocaust Museum, and thought of the Middle Passage slaves who threw themselves into the cold Atlantic.

Our demand for unfree foreign labor clashes with our racism.

We want cheap workers, but we do not want real people who need housing, schools, and sewage hookups.

Trump imports workers for his hotels and winery, to be discarded on a whim at the end of the season, even as he rails against those who try to cross the border.

The majority of voters appear to be pro-slavery and anti-labor.

We would like to think the world has changed from 1938, but there is not enough evidence to support that notion.

It leaves a hollow feeling in the soul.

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