Wednesday, September 05, 2018

Coffee and Provocation

Beagles Help Cure Muscular Dystrophy
CRISPR technology has helped cure Duchenne muscular dystrophy in four beagles.

New Zealand Penguins Swim a 4,000 Mile Migration
Fiordland Penguins of New Zealand (aka tawaki) make a round trip migration of up to 6,800 kilometers (4,225 miles) every year, from the sub-tropical south of Tasmania or to the sub-Antarctic.

Ancient Bone Crusher Dogs of North America
Bone-crushing dogs in the genus Borophagus (“gluttonous eater”) once occupied a niche in North America that has not been filled since.

The Decline of Vegetarians?
There are fewer vegetarians in the U.S. now than 20 years ago. What's interesting is that more people are eating less meat, but fewer people are giving up meat altogether.

A Parasite of a Parasite
There are parasitic vines that feed on parasitic wasps that, in turn feed on trees.

Don't Call it Meat or Milk?
Calling veggie substitutes "meat" is now illegal in Missouri. In other news, the FDA has said that the sweet watery product created by grinding up and soaking almonds in water can no longer be called "almond milk".

Stupid Is as Stupid Does
A new study shows that air pollution causes ‘huge’ reductions in intelligence.

The Cave Men and Cave Bears Among Us
I'm part Neanderthal, and a new study has found that segments of cave bear DNA persist in the genomes of modern brown bears.

No More California Drift Nets
California has voted to end drift gillnet fishing.

And a White Supremacist Is Their Commander in Chief?
Of the 1.29 million people in our armed forces today (less than 0.5 percent of the U.S. population), 43 percent of men and 56 percent of women are Hispanic or a racial minority, and 16 percent of the enlisted, and 18 percent of the officers, are women.

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