Friday, August 31, 2018

Purina Donates $1 Million to Conservation

Purina has been supporting hunting with dogs for more than 100 years.

Their latest action: Purina Commits $1 Million to Ducks Unlimited

Ducks Unlimited and NestlĂ© Purina PetCare Company have partnered to protect and improve 1,600 acres of wetland and grasslands across Iowa over the next three years through Ducks Unlimited’s Living Lakes Initiative, promoting healthy soil, healthy crops and healthy wildlife habitat.

Purina, which operates three pet food manufacturing facilities in Iowa (in Clinton, Fort Dodge and Davenport) and sources high-quality ingredients for its dog and cat food products from farms across the state, has committed $1 million to help promote sustainability of the supply chain and improve recreational use of wetlands and lakes across the state’s Prairie Pothole Region.

“Purina and Ducks Unlimited are joining in Iowa’s efforts to help improve our state’s water quality, and I applaud this partnership,” said Iowa Governor Kim Reynolds. “These organizations represent farmers, conservationists and outdoors enthusiasts who all have a stake in preserving our natural resources for the livelihood of Iowans and wildlife.”

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