The First Dog on a Leash?
Rock engravings in the Saudi desert may show the first depiction of a dog on a leash.
Finding Some Use for Canine Cancer Bombs
Bernese Mountain Dogs, Scotties, Flat-coated Retrievers, and Scottish Deerhounds are all known canine cancer bombs. The only upside is that the inbred genetics of these dogs is showing us the roots of some types of cancer.
Is Organic Meat a Bunch of Bull?
Yes, it mostly is.
Alcohol is a Poison
The proper amount of alcohol to drink is zero. From The Lancet: "Alcohol use is a leading risk factor for global disease burden and causes substantial health loss. We found that the risk of all-cause mortality, and of cancers specifically, rises with increasing levels of consumption, and the level of consumption that minimises health loss is zero. These results suggest that alcohol control policies might need to be revised worldwide, refocusing on efforts to lower overall population-level consumption."
Beavers Made America Great
And by beavers, we mean the larger wood-chewing, flat-tailed aquatic mammal. Prior to the arrival of illegal aliens from Europe, the North American continent was home to scores of millions of beaver ponds.
Are Crop-spraying Drones the Future?
Almost certainly. And look for robot weeders too.
The World Actually Has More Trees
Despite ongoing deforestation, fires, drought-induced die-offs, and insect outbreaks, the world’s tree cover actually increased by 2.24 million square kilometers — an area the size of Texas and Alaska combined — over the past 35 years.
Over 40 Percent of US Land
Over 40 percent of land is used to feed livestock.
More Gold in Scotland
Young Golden Eagles were released in Scotland to boost the local population.
Keeping Poison Out of the Water With Ship Shapes
It turns out that a certain pattern of paint can help keep barnacles off ships without the addition of toxic lead, copper and other poisons.
The Competitive Advantage of House Sparrows
Because House Sarrows can digest starchy grains, they are found wherever people live, i.e. all over the world.
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