Tuesday, May 15, 2018

Broken People and Their Broken Dogs

This is a real person who talks like this, and breeds dogs that look like this.

They call this an “American Bully.”

Like American Cheese, it is the worst.


  1. yes.
    i saw this in the shelter in L.A. all the time, in various stages of deformity.
    i believe that ''breed'' was developed in South Central L.A. ...
    why would anyone take what was a perfectly genius breed like a staffy type (American (pit)Bull terrier, Staffordshire Terrier, Staffordshire Bull Terrier), and cross it with probably the unhealthiest, ''lemon-iest'' breed on the planet?!
    the ultimate in stupidity.

  2. Flawless?! Iwould put that poor creature out of its misery without a second thought....


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